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Sunday 22 May 2016


Hi, back again today. I was feeling that yesterday's post lacked a bit of cohesion. I guess that's the nature of this format. For me it is really early days in my journey (sorry about the cliché) as a blogger. I have decided that perfection is not the goal when writing a post. At this point simply writing consistently and putting out content is the most important thing. As time goes by my writing should improve to some extent just by continuing to write. Practice makes perfect.

What does that really mean? Really practice gets us closer to perfect. Unfortunately we are usually starting a long way from perfection. It also doesn't mean that every post will be better than the previous one. Sometimes we need to step back in order to move forward.

One other thing I am undecided about is what I really am aiming to write about at this stage. Basically I am attempting to sit down and type whatever comes in to my head. That, obviously can be hit and miss. I am trying not to over edit. I am just typing, followed by a quick read through (most of the time) and the clicking publish and share. I also, don't want to label my site with too exact a title. I thought I was going to be publishing recipes and ideas on self improvement but now I am thinking "relax and let this thing grow organically". Let's see where the blog takes us.

Hopefully this week I will sit down and type maybe 4 or 5 times and hopefully some of what I type will catch a few reader's attentions and who knows? I know one thing. I do like the idea of being a writer of some type.

Lately I was thinking that when you get investment advice they all tell you to diversify your investments. The idea being that if one goes bad the others with make up for the losses in the weaker area. Most people as far as I can see though earn most of their income from a single source. Our job. We might be a baker or a chef or a lawyer or a garbage collector. We earn most of our income from that single income stream. If things go wrong there, we feel like that world is crashing down around us. How will we survive. All of this leads to stress and grief. My possible solution. Diversify. What if we had say 5 different activities that we earn an income from? Say for example you currently earn $50,000 per annum from your job as a chef. If things go bad at the kitchen and you get laid off you are left with nothing. Imagine if you had 5 different jobs that earn $10,000 per year each. If you loose one job then you still have the ability to tighten the belt for a while whilst you either try to get a bit more out of the other income sources or find a replacement for the job you have been laid off from.

Clearly this is easy said and more difficult to achieve. For example, I could work as a casual chef or find permanent part time work maybe 1 or 2 days a week which would earn $10,000 dollars a year. As I have mentioned in an earlier post I am a cricket umpire during the warmer months of the year. This brings in about $3500 a year. Maybe I could umpire every Sunday as well as Saturday and pick up some other appointments in social game to increase that number to close to $6,500 a year. And maybe I could also referee Rugby League in the winter or umpire the winter competion based in the Moore Park area of Sydney. That could bring me close to $10,000 a year. That is two fifth's of the way there.

If this blog took off and I was able to earn income from it that could become a 3rd stream. The local community college runs adult education classes. Maybe I could run a cooking class a few nights a week and bring in income stream 4. And then investments. Investments that generate income without me having to manage them on a daily basis. That could be number 5.

It might just be possible. Time to go. Thanks for reading.

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