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Saturday 30 April 2016

Mental Unpacking or Emotional Vomit

Welcome back.
To me as much as you.
I like the idea.
But....Hmmmm. Can I make the time???
It all starts now.
I think part of the problem is trying to put out perfect posts. I think that is wrong. Whatever I type here will be posted at the end of this 30 minute session of typing. A brief edit and click post. It doesn't need to be perfect. Consistent is more important. Every week at least one post. This one is a what's on my mind post. Others will be recipes. And of late, I have been thinking of taking a photo each day and just posting it on my page. Hopefully (I'm not much of a photographer) it will capture something in my day. Maybe it will relate to food or maybe cricket umpiring (when the season it right) or just the day to day.

I just flicked through a couple of potential posts that I started last year and never completed. One is from the day before I commenced my new job as a Chef Manager. It talks about stressing at work and feeling frustration and angst. 6 months on, not much has changed in that area. I have a new job with good pay (relatively) but I seem to find myself feeling more pressure than other people in the same position. I guess at age 42 we all carry baggage from life's experiences, but why do some people feel, or seem to feel, the pressure more than others. A quick glance at the post it occurred to me that I was trying to fit too much into my days. It reminded me of a quote I heard recently. "People often overestimate what they can get done in a day and underestimate what they can achieve in a month or a year". I guess the lesson that I remember from school days when practicing or rather failing to practice the saxophone or clarinet for the school band. Mum would say that I would be better to practice 15 minutes a day than one big session a week. Something like that. The little daily improvements can and will lead to greater change in the long run.
It's Saturday morning of a free weekend. Time to do as I please. Release the tension of the week. I started the day by dropping my wife at the train station.
Wait a moment. Something just occurred to me. Not really just now. I have had this thought previously. And, I can't really claim it as my own.
When I was a young single lonely guy I thought "if only I could get a girlfriend, then everything will be better". The fact that I have a wife, means quite clearly that I have achieved that. Is everything thing better? No. Don't misunderstand me, My relationship with my wife is as perfect as they get. I couldn't be happier with that part of my life. But, I am a long way from a Zen being at this stage. My point I am struggling to make is that too often we think that when so and so happens we will be happy and in doing so, we forget to enjoy the here and now.Can you relate to that? Or do I have all this crazy for myself? I don't think so. Share the madness people. We all have some (plenty of it) in us.

The problem with typing an article for a set period of time is that the article can lack a conclusion. Sure, I could look at my timer and say 5 minutes to go and start to wind things up, but. Actually, that's not a bad plan. So, let me know what you think of my first post of 2016. Sorry that it is probably all over the place in terms of content. It feels like an emotional vomit. That is way to harsh. Maybe a mental unpack is a better way of putting it. Whatever you and I think, this is it. Raw and, as I said only with a brief edit prior to posting.
Have a great day whatever you are doing.

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