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Tuesday 15 December 2020

Frustrations of working for the man

 Sometimes we find ourselves seeking a way out of the rat race but don't know if we have the courage. Substitute to word "I" where you just read we. Do you ever feel that I am working hard all day and at the end I can't even get some level of appreciation from the clown acting in the roll of manager? 

Of course, you should be careful in assuming malice when in reality it's probably just incompetence (partial or complete). I was listening to the Random Show which is part of the Tim Ferris Show Podcast. The random show is a lengthy chat between Tim and his friend Kevin Rose that they do from time to time just chatting about what they have been up to and since they are well known enough to release it as a podcast they do. Maybe I show do that. Just sit around and talk with a mate about whatever comes to mind and release it as a podcast. If we have no listeners then really it won't hurt anyone. 

That however wasn't the point I was going to make. The point I was going to make was that I think Tim mentioned that he had a word of the year as like a theme. I think in place of a new years resolution you sit down before the end of the year and think of a work that can be your theme for the year ahead. For me I think 2021 could be "Change". What will that entail? More importantly how do I keep it central to my daily doings? I guess I could put the word as a screensaver on my computer or go old school and put it under a fridge magnet. No one would even need to know what it means to me. 

Take the word "change". For me right now it mostly relates to to starting my own small business and with that my lifestyle with it. Maybe it could mean in the short term just changing my daily routines and maybe my eating habits perhaps. It could mean as many things to as many people who read it and meditate on it. 

I am sitting down to type this on a Tuesday evening after altering my weekly schedule in the hope of becoming more productive. Lately I have lagged in my daily studies and wanted to reignite my afternoon activities. 2 days in it's a winner. I have nominated 8 areas of study or focus, yes I think focus areas is a better term. I will try to put in 30 minutes on as many as I can each day up until 7.30pm. From 7.30 I will unwind and watch some Netflix and maybe a little big bash before getting ready for bed and fire up for another day of life. 

Whenever I make a list of focus areas I always end up with things I want to do but don't have the time. Hypothetically, if I won the lottery I would be able to expand the time spent on each area to maybe an hour a day and do that every day which would be amazing for self improvement but I don't see unlimited income arriving soon. So, I guess for now it is all about using as much of my time to better me as I can. That's an average sentence. Maybe I need to do a bit of English study as well. 

Anyhow my 30 is almost up and what started as a disgruntled employee going off to start a business turned into an idea to replace or add to your New Years Resolution and a study plan for you free time. Hope you find something in amongst the weeds and until next time it is about time I threw some food on the stove and made some dinner. Happy living!!!